import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
#Function to populate a list with file contents
def list_populate(FILE_NAME):
with open(FILE_NAME,'r',encoding='utf8') as set_file:
lughatwords = [line.strip() for line in set_file.readlines()]
#lughatwords = set(line.strip() for line in set_file.readlines())
except ValueError as e:
return lughatwords
#Function to Create a Dictionary with a list of words starting with a specific key(alphabet)
def wordList(LUGHAT,letter,key,dictAlfaaz={}):
for word in LUGHAT:
if word.startswith(letter):
return dictAlfaaz
def dictWordsListfunc(totWords,LUGHAT):
#Creating Dictionary with Urdu Letters as Keys and words starting with that letter as a list
dictWordsList = dict((k,list()) for k in urduLetters.keys())
for key in urduLetters.keys():
dictWordsList = wordList(LUGHAT,urduLetters[key],key,dictWordsList)
#print("Words in {} are: {}".format(key, len(dictWordsList[key])))
totWords +=len(dictWordsList[key])
return dictWordsList,totWords
def file_writes(basedir,dictWordsList):
totWords = 0
fileNames = []
print('********Function write_files**********')
for key in urduLetters.keys():
fileln = 0
wordfile = key + "words.txt"
FILE_WRITE = os.path.join(basedir,wordfile)
with open(FILE_WRITE,'w',encoding='utf8') as fWrite:
for y in dictWordsList[key]:
#print("{} words are : ".format(y))
fileln += 1
#print("Words in {} are : {}".format(wordfile,fileln))
def program_stats(totWords,LUGHAT):
print("Total words in Dictionary are {}".format(totWords))
print("Total words in LUGHAT are {}".format(len(LUGHAT)))
urduLetters = {
"Alif":"ا","AlifMada":"آ", "Bay":"ب", "Pay":"پ", "Tay":"ت","Ttay":"ٹ","Say":"ث","Jeem":"ج",
totWords = 0
basedir = r'C:\Test\Data'
FILE_NAME = os.path.join(basedir,"FullWords.txt")
#Populating list with all words in file
LUGHAT = list_populate(FILE_NAME)
#Creating dictionary of word lists
dictWords,totWords = dictWordsListfunc(totWords,LUGHAT)
#Printing statistics about program
#Writing one file for all words starting, with a specific letter