افغانی شخص

x boy

The Afghan who hasn’t missed prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque for 37 years
Last updated: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:05 AM

Saudi Gazette report

MADINAH — An Afghan national has set an example of piety by never missing one single prayer behind the imam of the Prophet’s Mosque.

Haji Muhammad has become very popular in Madinah because for a quarter of a century he has appeared on Saudi TV wearing the same black turban while standing on the right side of the first line behind the imam.

He told Makkah daily that he arrived in the Kingdom when he was 19.

He has been working as a plumber for 37 years and only traveled once to Afghanistan.

He said: “I’ve always made sure I perform all prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque since I was a young man.

“I love picking up the copies of the Holy Qur’an from visitors and putting them back in their cabinets.”

Haji Muhammad has made friends with visitors from outside the country who have been impressed with how devoted he is in performing all prayers in the mosque and at the same place.

Some of them have seen him wearing the same black turban at the same spot every year they visited Madinah.

“When I worked for my sponsor, I told him from the start that I didn’t want to miss any prayer at the mosque and that in Ramadan I won’t work because I’ll be in the mosque all the time,” he said.

The devoted Afghani national is married to two wives and has 12 children.

Haji Muhammad is currently looking for a third wife.

x boy

شادی تو مرد کرتے ہیں، چڑے بازی 6 نمبر کرتے ہیں بتائے رخ کدھر کا ہے
اگر مال ہے عدل و انصاف میں قائم رہ سکتا ہے تو ایک، دو ، تین اور چار ورنہ ایک ہی کافی ہے الحمدللہ ۔
یہی حکم اللہ کا ہے اس سے مجھے انکار کبھی نہیں ۔ اللہ اور رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے حکم میں
تنز وہی کرتے ہیں جس کے دل ان کی طرف سے شیطان نے اچک لئے ہیں۔