میاں شاہد

Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said:
The Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam)
used to say when he was in distress:
"La ilaha illallahul-Azimul-Halim.
La ilaha illallahu Rabbul-`Arshil-`Azim.
La ilaha illallahu Rabbus-samawati,
wa Rabbul-ardi, wa Rabbul-`Arshil-Karim.
(None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
the Incomparably Great, the Compassionate.
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
the Rubb of the Mighty Throne.
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
the Rubb of the heavens,
the Rubb of the earth,
and the Rubb of the Honourable Throne).
[ Al-Bukhari ].