[align=left:9fb40f7d34]My humble request is, my brother, that it really kills the navigability of the site when the scroll bar is on left. If possible, there could be an option (in the site) whether I want it on left or right, so users like me may enjoy their time visiting the site. And I strongly believe that scrollbar position is, by no means, related to urdu typing issue.
I also want to say that, (still for strong usability perspective) that we should keep “only the content” in urdu, not every navigational elements or button need to be translated in urdu, as I see no point in keeping some buttons in English and other merely writing English terms in urdu (as seen on many buttons on this site), and you will agree that using “daqeeq” urdu (translating every thing in urdu) will make it almost completely meaningless/useless for general public.
Why not put a poll on this suggestion, that site navigation be in plain English (default standard button, messages), and “content only” be kept in Urdu (posts only, information pages, right align), and see what pubic opt for.
This will help marinating the site in better look and feel as urdu font tend to destroy the phpBB layout (repeated BGs in tables and etc).
Shud u need my help, I’m open.