پروفیسر Frances W. Pritchett کی تحقیق کا نتیجہ
AN APOCRYPHAL VERSE: Many people nowadays attach to
this ghazal another, apocryphal verse:
چند تصویرِ بتاں چند حسینوں کے خطوط
بعد مرنے کے مرے گھر سے یہ ساماں نکلا
[some pictures of idols, some letters of beautiful ones
after dying, from my house this equipment/material emerged]
Please note that this verse is NOT by Ghalib. (I will refrain from going into a long tirade about how it doesn't even sound like his, but still it certainly doesn't.) For more discussion of the issues surrounding such apocryphal verses, see {219,1}. I'm grateful to Shah Jemal Alam for pointing out this verse and examining its wide circulation. And I'm particularly grateful to Irfan Khan, who posted this very helpful information to the Urdulist:
"This verse has been discussed by Hanif Naqvi in غالب : احوال و آثار (1990). The key points:
= Except for the 1922 edition of Ghalib's divan published by the Nizami Press, this verse has never appeared in any divan. And even there, it appeared in a special section of verses not from the traditional divan.
= Bazm Akbarabadi composed, sometime before 1910, the following similar verse:
ایک تصویر کسی شوخ کی اور نامے چند
گھر سے عاشق کے پسِ مرگ یہ ساماں نکلا
[one picture of some mischievous one, and some letters
from the lover's house, after death, this equipment/material emerged]
= Naqvi is of the opinion that the verse attributed to Ghalib is a modified form of this verse of Bazm's."