ائین پاکستان میں کیا لکھا ہے؟
آئین پاکستان کا پارٹ ٹو بنیادی انسانی حقوق کی بات کرتا ہے جس کے مندرجات کچھ یوں ہیں:
Part II: Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy
Art. 7 Definition of the State
Chapter 1: Fundamental Rights
Art. 8 Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of fundamental rights to be void.
Art. 9 Security of person.
Art. 10 Safeguards as to arrest and detention
Art. 10A. Right to fair trial
Art. 11 Slavery, forced labour, etc. Prohibited
Art. 12 Protection against retrospective punishment
Art. 13 Protection against double punishment and self incrimination.
Art. 14 Inviolability of dignity of man, etc.
Art. 15 Freedom of movement, etc.
Art. 16 Freedom of assembly.
Art. 17 Freedom of association:
Art. 18 Freedom of trade, business or profession.
Art. 19 Freedom of speech, etc.
Art. 19A. Right to information:
Art. 20 Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions.
Art. 21 Safeguard against taxation for purposes of any particular religion.
Art. 22 Safeguards as to educational institutions in respect of religion, etc.
Art. 23 Provision as to property.
Art. 24 Protection of property rights.
Art. 25 Equality of citizens.
Art. 25A. Right to education:
The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law.
Art. 26 Non-discrimination in respect of access to public places.
Art. 27 Safeguard against discrimination in services.
Art. 28 Preservation of language, script and culture.
Chapter 2: Principles of Policy
Art. 29 Principles of Policy
Art. 30 Responsibility with respect to Principles of Policy.
Art. 31 Islamic way of life.
Art. 32 Promotion of local Government institutions.
Art. 33 Parochial and other similar prejudices to be discouraged.
Art. 34 Full participation of women in national life.
Art. 35 Protection of family, etc.
Art. 36 Protection of minorities.
Art. 37 Promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils.
Art. 38 Promotion of social and economic well-being of the people.
The State shall :
(a) secure the well-being of the people, irrespective of sex, caste, creed or race, by raising their standard of living, by preventing the concentration of wealth and means of production and distribution in the hands of a few to the detriment of general interest and by ensuring equitable adjustment of rights between employers and employees, and landlords and tenants;
(b) provide for all citizens, within the available resources of the country, facilities for work and adequate livelihood with reasonable rest and leisure;
(c) provide for all persons employed in the service of Pakistan or otherwise, social security by compulsory social insurance or other means;
(d) provide basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing. Housing, education and medical relief, for all such citizens, irrespective of sex, caste, creed or race, as are permanently or temporarily unable to earn their livelihood on account of infirmity, sickness or unemployment;
(e) reduce disparity in the income and earnings of individuals, including persons in the various classes of the service of Pakistan;
Art. 39 Participation of people in Armed Forces.
Art. 40 Strengthening bonds with Muslim world and promoting international peace.