انسان اور مسلمان والی بات سے امام علی کا ایک خط یاد آ گیا جو انہوں نے مصر کےگورنر مالک اشتر کو لکھا تھا۔ اس سے ایک اقتباس:
Habituate your heart to mercy for the subjects and to affection and kindness for them. Do not stand over them like greedy beasts who feel it is enough to devour them, since they are of two kinds,
either your brother in religion or one like you in creation. They will commit slips and encounter mistakes. They may act wrongly, wilfully or by neglect. So, extend to them your forgiveness and pardon, in the same way as you would like Allah to extend His forgiveness and pardon to you, because you are over them and your responsible Commander (Imam) is over you while Allah is over him who has appointed you. He (Allah) has sought you to manage their affairs and has tried you through them.
مکمل خط یہاں پڑھ سکتے ہیں: