وائپر گیسٹ بُک کا اُردو ترجمہ ۔مدد درکار

اسلام و علیکم،
میں نے وائپر گیسٹ بُک کے نئے ورژن کو اُردو میں ترجمہ کا کام شروع کیا ہے۔ کہ اِتنے سافٹ ویئرز کیساتھ ایک عدد اُردو گیسٹ بُک بھی ہونی چاہیے۔۔ :)
اگرچہ یہ میری پہلی کوشش ہے۔ اور اانگلش سے اُردو ترجمہ بھی میرا اجتہادی ہے۔ :) اِس لئے اُمید ہے آپ سب میری ضرور مدد کریں گے۔
اس کام میں شروعات کی وجہ سے ایک لینگوئج فائل کی لمبائی دیکھ کر ہی تھوڑا گھبرایا۔ اور اُوپر کچھ مجبوریوں کی وجہ سے ونڈو 98 نے سونے پر سھاگہ کر دیا۔۔
خیر میں جلدی جلدی جو سمجھ میں آیا لکھتا گیا۔ کہ چیک کروں کام کچھ ہوتا بھی ہے یا نہیں۔ شکر الحمدللہ گیسٹ بُک کا فرنٹ پیج اور پیغام ارسال کرنے والے پیج کا کچھ ترجمہ نظر آنے لگا۔
دو فائلز میں اَب تک مکمل ترجمہ کر چکا ہوں۔ کچھ مزید فائلز ابھی باقی ہیں۔
گیسٹ بُک یہاں سے چیک کریں۔
langindex.inc کا اُردو ترجمہ

اصل انگلش فائل
<php> "An error occured :",
  "sendSuccess"       => "Your entry was saved successfully !",
  "tooLongEntry"      => "Please shorten your text entry about the following number of characters: ",
  "tooLongCustom"     => "The input for the following field is too long : ",
  "indexError"        => "Wrong index for the following field : ",
  "noName"            => "You must enter a name !",
  "noEntry"           => "You must enter a text !",
  "noCountry"         => "You must choose a country !",
  "noRating"          => "You must enter a rating for : ",
  "noFieldValue"      => "You must fill in the following field: ",
  "unknownBrowser"    => "unknown browser",
  "unknownOS"         => "unknown OS",
  "notGiven"          => "not listed",
  "all"               => "All",
  "days"              => "days",
  "perDay"            => "per day",
  "noInput"           => "no input",
  "entrySubject"      => "You've a new entry in your guestbook !",
  "good"              => "(super)",
  "poor"              => "(poor)",
  "01"                => "January",
  "02"                => "February",
  "03"                => "March",
  "04"                => "April",
  "05"                => "May",
  "06"                => "June",
  "07"                => "July",
  "08"                => "August",
  "09"                => "September",
  "10"                => "October",
  "11"                => "November",
  "12"                => "December",
  // Version 1.1
  "duplicate"         => "Your entry is a duplicate of an existing entry !",
  "unknown"           => "unknown",
  "otherBrowser"      => "other Browser",
  "otherOS"           => "other OS",
  "otherOption"       => "other option",
  "Monday"            => "Monday",
  "Tuesday"           => "Tuesday",
  "Wednesday"         => "Wednesday",
  "Thursday"          => "Thursday",
  "Friday"            => "Friday",
  "Saturday"          => "Saturday",
  "Sunday"            => "Sunday",
  "wrongFiletype"     => "The uploaded file is no valid JPEG or GIF image !",
  "wrongFormat"       => "The size of the uploaded picture is invalid !
Allowed size: ",
  // Version 1.11
  "noEmail"           => "You must enter an E-mail address !",
  // Version 1.2
  "elements"          => "Elements",
  "exampleText"       => "Example text",
  "exampleLink"       => "Example link",
  "option"            => "Option",
  "link"              => "Link",
  "bold"              => "Bold",
  "italic"            => "Italic",
  "underline"         => "Underlined",
  "quote"             => "Quote",
  "code"              => "Code",
  "left"              => "Left",
  "center"            => "Center",
  "right"             => "Right",
  "image"             => "Image",
  "size"              => "Size",
  "color"             => "Color",
  "font"              => "Font",
  "list"              => "List",
  "bbcodeInfo"        => "You've the possibility to format the text of your entry with the pseudo HTML elements of the table below. Every BBCode element starts with a [ so if you want to print this character instead of a BBCode element you must write [[ !

BBCode usage:<pre><span>  [element]text to format[/element]</span></pre>or short form: <pre><span>  [element]text to format[/]</span></pre>",
  "hidden"            => "<hidden>",
  "sendEmail"         => "Send E-mail",
  "mailto"            => "E-mail to",
  "subject"           => "Subject",
  "message"           => "Message",
  "sendMailSuccess"   => "E-mail was sent successfully !",
  "closeWindow"       => "close window",
  "sendMailFail"      => "Unable to send E-mail !",
  "back"              => "back",
  "mailSpam"          => "You've already sent an E-mail to this address !
Please retry later",
  "wrongPrivate"      => "The password for your private entry is invalid !",
  "passwordMail"      => "The password for your private entry is : ",
  "noLogin"           => "Due to security reasons you can't login at this time. Please retry later !",
  "login"             => "Login",
  "enterPassword"     => "Enter your password",
  "sendPassword"      => "Send password by E-mail",
  "invalidPassword"   => "Invalid password !",
  "newComment"        => "New comment",
  "name"              => "Name",
  "email"             => "E-mail",
  "text"              => "Text",
  "send"              => "Send",
  "preview"           => "Preview",
  "privateEntry"      => "Private entry",
  "sendSuccessMod"    => "

The entry will be checked by the administrator.",
  "thankyou"          => "Thank you for signing the guestbook !",
  "search"            => "Search",
  "searchInfo"        => "Fill out the fields you want to use for the search. You can use the following two wild-card characters in your input:<blockquote>% matches any number of characters, even zero characters 
_ matches exactly one character</blockquote>",
  "searchEntries"     => "Search entries",
  "homepage"          => "Homepage",
  "country"           => "Country",
  "onlyPicture"       => "only entries with pictures",
  // Version 1.21
  "commentSubject"    => "You've received a new visitor comment",
  "nameReserved"      => "The name is reserved please enter another one",
  // Version 1.3
  "wrongField"        => "The input for the following field is invalid: ",
  "spamWarning"       => "Can't save entry into database at the moment, please retry later !<center>(spam protection)</center>",
  "password"         => "Password",
  "notRedirected"    => "Click here if you're not redirected",
  "noASCII"          => "Only ASCII characters are allowed in the field: ",
  "replyTo"          => "Reply-To",
  "noMail"           => "You are not allowed to use the formmailer again !",
  "male"             => "male",
  "female"           => "female",
  "gender"           => "Gender",
  "noGender"         => "You must select your gender !",
  "wrongFilesize"    => "The uploaded file is too big ! Maximum allowed size: ",
  "return"           => "Return to guestbook",
  "wrongValidation"  => "Wrong validation code !",
  "enterCode"        => "Enter code",
  "enter"            => "enter",
  "mailCheck"        => "Your E-mail will be checked by the administrator",
  "from"             => "from",
  "entryQuote"       => "Quote from entry",
  "emailSubject"     => "A new E-mail was sent by the formmailer",
  // Version X1.1
  "enlarge"          => "click to enlarge",
  "uploadNew"        => "Upload new picture",
  "tryAgain"         => "Please try again !"

ترجمہ شدہ فائل

<php> "کوئی سھو سرزد ہوگیا ہے",
"sendSuccess" => "آپ کے تاثرات کا اندراج ہوچکا ہے",
"tooLongEntry" => "برائےکرم اپنے تاثرات کے الفاظ کم کیجئے",
"tooLongCustom" => "اِس فیلڈ میں الفاظ بڑھ چکے ہیں:",
"indexError" => ":اِس فیلڈ میں غلط اندراج ہوا ہے",
"noName" => "نام درج کرنا لازمی ہے",
"noEntry" => "تاثرات کا اندراج لازمی ہے",
"noCountry" => "مُلک کا انتخاب لازمی ہ",
"noRating" => ":ریٹنگ کا انتخاب لازمی ہے",
"noFieldValue" => ":اِس فیلڈ کو لازمی پُر کریں",
"unknownBrowser" => "نامعلوم براؤزر",
"unknownOS" => "نامعلوم آپرییٹنگ سسٹم",
"notGiven" => "درج نہیں",
"all" => "تمام",
"days" => "دن",
"perDay" => "ہر دن",
"noInput" => "اندر کچھ درج نہیں",
"entrySubject" => "گیسٹ بک میں نئے تاثرات آپ کے منتظر ہیں",
"good" => "(بہترین)",
"poor" => "(بیکار)",
"01" => "جنوری",
"02" => "فروری",
"03" => "مارچ",
"04" => "اپریل",
"05" => "مئی",
"06" => "جون",
"07" => "جولائی",
"08" => "اگست",
"09" => "ستمبر",
"10" => "اکتوبر",
"11" => "نومبر",
"12" => "دسمبر",
// Version 1.1
"duplicate" => "آپ کے تاثرات سے مشابہہ پہلے بھی تاثرات موجود ہیں",
"unknown" => "نامعلوم",
"otherBrowser" => "دوسرے براؤزر",
"otherOS" => "دوسرے آپریٹنگ سسٹم",
"otherOption" => "دوسرے آپشن",
"Monday" => "سوموار",
"Tuesday" => "منگل",
"Wednesday" => "بدھ",
"Thursday" => "جمعرات",
"Friday" => "جمعہ",
"Saturday" => "ہفتہ",
"Sunday" => "اتوار",
"wrongFiletype" => "آپ کے اَپ لوڈ کردہ امیج کی ایکسٹنشن ناقابل قبول ہے",
"wrongFormat" => "آپ کی اًپ لوڈ کردہ تصویر کی سائز ناقابل قبول ہے 
ورژن 1۔11 کیلئے قابل قبول سائز: ",
// Version 1.11
"noEmail" => "برقی پتہ درج کرنا لازمی ہے",
// Version 1.2
"elements" => "عناصر",
"exampleText" => "لکھائی کا نمونہ",
"exampleLink" => "لنک کا نمونہ",
"option" => "آپشن",
"link" => "لنک",
"bold" => "بولڈ",
"italic" => "اِٹیلِک",
"underline" => "اَنڈرلائن",
"quote" => "اقتباس",
"code" => "کوڈ",
"left" => "بائیں",
"center" => "درمیان",
"right" => "دائیں",
"image" => "تصویر",
"size" => "سائز",
"color" => "رنگ",
"font" => "فانٹ",
"list" => "فھرست",
"bbcodeInfo" => "آپ مندرجہ ذیل بی بی کوڈ کے ذریعے فانٹ میں نکھار پیدا کرسکتے ہیں۔ ہر بی بی کوڈ کے ٹیگ (عنصر) کی شروعات ] سے شروع ہوگی اور اختتام [ اِس سے ہوگا۔ نمونہ : [element]آپ کی لکھائی[element]",
"hidden" => "چھپاہوا",
"sendEmail" => "ایمیل بھیجیں",
"mailto" => "ای میل",
"subject" => "عنوان",
"message" => "پیغام",
"sendMailSuccess" => "ای میل پہنچ چکا ہے",
"closeWindow" => "بند کیجئے",
"sendMailFail" => "ای میل بھیجنے میں بے بس",
"back" => "واپس",
"mailSpam" => "آپ اِس برقی پتے پر پہلے سے ای میل بھیج چکے ہیں
 دوبارہ ای میل بھیجنے کیلئے بعد میں کوشش کیجئے گا",
"wrongPrivate" => "ذاتی تاثرات کیلئے آپ نے غلط پاس ورڈ دیا ہے",
"passwordMail" => "ذاتی تاثرات کیلئے پاس ورڈ یہ ہے :",
"noLogin" => "با وجہ حفاظت آپ ابھی لاگ اِن نہیں ہوسکتے۔ بعد میں کوشش کیجئے",
"login" => "لاگ اِن",
"enterPassword" => "پاس ورڈ درج کریں",
"sendPassword" => "پاس ورڈ ای میل کیجئے",
"invalidPassword" => "غلط پاس ورڈ",
"newComment" => "نئے تاثرات",
"name" => "نام",
"email" => "برقی پتہ",
"text" => "پیغام",
"send" => "ارسال کریں",
"preview" => "پیشِ منظر",
"privateEntry" => "ذاتی پیغام",
"sendSuccessMod" => "

آپ کے تاثرات ایڈمینسٹریٹر کی اجازت سے یہاں داخل ہوجائیں گے",
"thankyou" => "گیسٹ بک میں اپنے تاثرات اندراج کرانے کا شکریہ",
"search" => "تلاش",
"searchInfo" => "Fill out the fields you want to use for the search. You can use the following two wild-card characters in your input:<blockquote>% matches any number of characters, even zero characters 
_ matches exactly one character</blockquote>",
"searchEntries" => "تاثرات میں تلاش",
"homepage" => "مرکزی صفحہ",
"country" => "مُلک",
"onlyPicture" => "صرف تصویر کیساتھ تاثرات",
// Version 1.21
"commentSubject" => "گیسٹ بک میں نئے تاثرات آپ کے منتظر ہیں",
"nameReserved" => "یہ نام پہلے سے ریزرو ہے برائے مہربانی کوئی دوسرا نام درج کریں",
// Version 1.3
"wrongField" => "اِس فیلڈ میں غلط اندراج کیا گیا ہے: ",
"spamWarning" => "تاثرات کا ڈیٹا بیس میں اندراج نہ ہوسکا۔ برائے مہربانی بعد میں کوشش کیجئے گا<center>(اسپیم سے بچاؤ)</center>",
"password" => "پاس ورڈ",
"notRedirected" => "اگر آپ اگلے صفحے پر خود بخود منتقل نہیں ہوئے تو یہاں کلک کریں",
"noASCII" => "یہاں پر صرف اے ایس سی آئی آئی الفاظ درج کرنے کی اجازت ہے: ",

"replyTo" => "جواب",
"noMail" => "آپ کو فارم میلر استعمال کرنے کی دوبارہ اجازت نہیں ہے",
"male" => "مرد",
"female" => "عورت",
"gender" => "جنس",
"noGender" => "جنس کا انتخاب کرنا لازمی ہے",
"wrongFilesize" => "آپ کی اَپ لوڈ کردہ فائل کا سائز مقررہ مقدار سے بہت زیادہ ہے: ",
"return" => "گیسٹ بک پر واپسی",
"wrongValidation" => "غلط کوڈ کا اندراج",
"enterCode" => "کوڈ درج کریں",
"enter" => "داخل ہوں",
"mailCheck" => "آپ کا پیغام ایڈمینسٹریٹر چیک کریں گے",
"from" => "بھیجنے والے",
"entryQuote" => "اقتباس",
"emailSubject" => "فارم میلر سے ایک نیا پیغام بھیجا گیا ہے",
// Version X1.1
"enlarge" => "بڑا کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کیجئے",
"uploadNew" => "نئی تصویر اَپ لوڈ کیجئے",
"tryAgain" => "برائے مہربانی دوبارہ کوشش کیجئے"
lang.inc کا اُردو ترجمہ

اصل انگلش فائل

<?php //* editable <-- DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE !!!
    // Translate the words and sentences on the right side of each line

//* Guestbook 
define ( "LANG0" , "Guestbook" );

//* Guestbook (META TITLE)
define ( "LANG1" , "Guestbook" );

//* Show guestbook
define ( "LANG2" , "Show guestbook" );

//* Sign guestbook
define ( "LANG3" , "Sign guestbook" );

//* Statistics
define ( "LANG4" , "Statistics" );

//* Page
define ( "LANG5" , "Page" );

//* previous page
define ( "LANG6" , "previous page" );

//* next page
define ( "LANG7" , "next page" );

//* The guestbook is empty
define ( "LANG8" , "The guestbook is empty" );

//* Please sign in !
define ( "LANG9" , "Please sign in !" );

//* EntryNo
define ( "LANG10" , "EntryNo" );

//* Date
define ( "LANG11" , "Date" );

//* Comment
define ( "LANG12" , "Comment" );

//* An error occured
define ( "LANG13" , "An error occured" );

//* Preview
define ( "LANG14" , "Preview" );

//* Send
define ( "LANG15" , "Send" );

//* Your data
define ( "LANG16" , "Your data" );

//* optional
define ( "LANG17" , "optional" );

//* Name
define ( "LANG18" , "Name" );

//* Country
define ( "LANG19" , "Country" );

//* Email
define ( "LANG20" , "Email" );

//* Homepage
define ( "LANG21" , "Homepage" );

//* ICQ number
define ( "LANG22" , "ICQ number" );

//* AIM identity
define ( "LANG23" , "AIM identity" );

//* MSN identity
define ( "LANG24" , "MSN identity" );

//* YAHOO identity
define ( "LANG25" , "YAHOO identity" );

//* Rating
define ( "LANG26" , "Rating" );

//* Upload picture
define ( "LANG27" , "Upload picture" );

//* Allowed are GIG and JPEG-pictures with the following sizes
define ( "LANG28" , "Allowed are GIF and JPEG-pictures with the following sizes" );

//* X-size
define ( "LANG29" , "X-size" );

//* Y-size
define ( "LANG30" , "Y-size" );

//* Emoticons
define ( "LANG31" , "Emoticons" );

//* Send
define ( "LANG32" , "Send" );

//* Preview
define ( "LANG33" , "Preview" );

//* Text
define ( "LANG34" , "Text" );

//* Amount of entries
define ( "LANG35" , "Amount of entries" );

//* deleted from that because of spacereasons
define ( "LANG36" , "deleted from that because of spacereasons" );

//* Visitors
define ( "LANG37" , "Visitors" );

//* New entry
define ( "LANG38" , "New entry" );

//* Browser from guests
define ( "LANG39" , "Browser from guests" );

//* OS from guests
define ( "LANG40" , "OS from guests" );

//* &Oslash;-rating
define ( "LANG41" , "&Oslash;-rating" );

//* no rating
define ( "LANG42" , "no rating" );

//* &Oslash;-rating of numberinputs
define ( "LANG43" , "&Oslash;-rating of numberinputs" );

//* no input
define ( "LANG44" , "no input" );

//* no input available
define ( "LANG45" , "no input available" );

//* Origin of guests
define ( "LANG46" , "Origin of guests" );

//* Private entry
define ( "LANG47" , "Private entry" );

//* unlock
define ( "LANG48" , "unlock" );

//* Password
define ( "LANG49" , "Password" );

//* Only enter a password if you want to make your entry private !
define ( "LANG50" , "Only enter a password if you
 want to make your entry private !" );

//* Search
define ( "LANG51" , "Search" );

//* Back to main index
define ( "LANG52" , "Back to main index" );

//* Add comment
define ( "LANG53" , "Add comment" );

//* Visitor comments:
define ( "LANG54" , "Visitor comments:" );

//* Hide Email
define ( "LANG55" , "Hide Email" );

//* Picture text
define ( "LANG56" , "Picture text" );

//* &raquo; Show allowed BBCode
define ( "LANG57" , "&raquo; Show allowed BBCode" );

//* <hidden>
define ( "LANG58" , "<hidden>" );

//* The guestbook is deactivated
define ( "LANG59" , "The guestbook is deactivated" );

//* Please come back later !
define ( "LANG60" , "Please come back later !" );

//* New comment
define ( "LANG61" , "New comment" );

//* Total comments
define ( "LANG62" , "Total comments" );

//* Language
define ( "LANG63" , "Language" );

//* Gadu-Gadu
define ( "LANG64" , "Gadu-Gadu" );

//* Jabber
define ( "LANG65" , "Jabber" );

//* Skype
define ( "LANG66" , "Skype" );

//* Gender
define ( "LANG67" , "Gender" );

//* Search result
define ( "LANG68" , "Search result" );

//* Back to normal view
define ( "LANG69" , "Back to normal view" );

//* Enter code
define ( "LANG70" , "Enter code" );

//* The search has no result !
define ( "LANG71" , "The search has no result !" );

//* Comment from
define ( "LANG72" , "Comment from" );

//* Admin
define ( "LANG73" , "Admin" );

اردو ترجمہ شدہ فائل

<?php //* editable <-- DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE !!!
// Translate the words and sentences on the right side of each line

//* Guestbook 
define ( "LANG0" , "گیسٹ بُک" );

//* Guestbook (META TITLE)
define ( "LANG1" , "گیسٹ بُک" );

//* Show guestbook
define ( "LANG2" , "گیسٹ بُک کا مرکزی صفحہ" );

//* Sign guestbook
define ( "LANG3" , "تاثرات درج کیجئے" );

//* Statistics
define ( "LANG4" , "اعداد و شمار" );

//* Page
define ( "LANG5" , "صفحہ" );

//* previous page
define ( "LANG6" , "سابقہ صفحہ" );

//* next page
define ( "LANG7" , "اگلا صفحہ" );

//* The guestbook is empty
define ( "LANG8" , "گیسٹ بُک فی الحال خالی ہے" );

//* Please sign in !
define ( "LANG9" , "برائے مہربانی لاگ اِن کیجئے !" );

//* EntryNo
define ( "LANG10" , "تاثرات نمبر" );

//* Date
define ( "LANG11" , "تاریخ" );

//* Comment
define ( "LANG12" , "تاثرات" );

//* An error occured
define ( "LANG13" , "کوئی سھو (ایرر) سرزد ہوگیا ہے" );

//* Preview
define ( "LANG14" , "پیش منظر" );

//* Send
define ( "LANG15" , "ارسال کیجئے" );

//* Your data
define ( "LANG16" , "آپ کا مواد" );

//* optional
define ( "LANG17" , "اختیاری" );

//* Name
define ( "LANG18" , "نام" );

//* Country
define ( "LANG19" , "ملک" );

//* Email
define ( "LANG20" , "برقی رابطہ" );

//* Homepage
define ( "LANG21" , "ویب سائیٹ" );

//* ICQ number
define ( "LANG22" , "آئی سی کیو نمبر" );

//* AIM identity
define ( "LANG23" , "اے ائی ایم" );

//* MSN identity
define ( "LANG24" , "ایم ایس این" );

//* YAHOO identity
define ( "LANG25" , "یاہو!" );

//* Rating
define ( "LANG26" , "ریٹنگ" );

//* Upload picture
define ( "LANG27" , "تصویر اَپ لوڈ کریں" );

//* Allowed are GIG and JPEG-pictures with the following sizes
define ( "LANG28" , "صرف GIF اور JPEG فارمیٹ میں تصاویر مندرجہ ذیل مقدار کیساتھ اًپ لوڈ کرنے کی اجازت ہے" );

//* X-size
define ( "LANG29" , "X-سائز" );

//* Y-size
define ( "LANG30" , "Y-سائز" );

//* Emoticons
define ( "LANG31" , "سمائلیز" );

//* Send
define ( "LANG32" , "ارسال کیجئے" );

//* Preview
define ( "LANG33" , "پیش منظر" );

//* Text
define ( "LANG34" , "پیغام" );

//* Amount of entries
define ( "LANG35" , "پیغامات کی مقدار" );

//* deleted from that because of spacereasons
define ( "LANG36" , "فاصلہ زیادہ ہونے کی وجہ سے ختم کیجئے" );

//* Visitors
define ( "LANG37" , "معائنہ کرنے والے" );

//* New entry
define ( "LANG38" , "نیا پیغام" );

//* Browser from guests
define ( "LANG39" , "مہمان کا براؤزر" );

//* OS from guests
define ( "LANG40" , "مہمان کا آپریٹنگ سسٹم" );

//* &Oslash;-rating
define ( "LANG41" , "اینڈ او سلیش؛۔ریٹنگ" );

//* no rating
define ( "LANG42" , "کوئی ریٹنگ نہیں" );

//* &Oslash;-rating of numberinputs
define ( "LANG43" , "اینڈ او سلیش؛۔ریٹنگ،متعدد اِن پٹس کیلئے" );

//* no input
define ( "LANG44" , "کوئی اِن پُٹ نہیں" );

//* no input available
define ( "LANG45" , "کوئی اِن پُٹ موجود نہیں" );

//* Origin of guests
define ( "LANG46" , "مہمان کا آغاز" );

//* Private entry
define ( "LANG47" , "ذاتی پیغام" );

//* unlock
define ( "LANG48" , "قفل کھولیں" );

//* Password
define ( "LANG49" , "پاس ورڈ" );

//* Only enter a password if you want to make your entry private !
define ( "LANG50" , "Only enter a password if you
 want to make your entry private !" );

//* Search
define ( "LANG51" , "تلاش" );

//* Back to main index
define ( "LANG52" , "سائیٹ کےمرکزی صفحے پر واپسی" );

//* Add comment
define ( "LANG53" , "تاثرات درج کیجئے" );

//* Visitor comments:
define ( "LANG54" , "مہمان کے تاثرات:" );

//* Hide Email
define ( "LANG55" , "برقی رابطہ چھپائیے" );

//* Picture text
define ( "LANG56" , "تصویر کے الفاظ" );

//* &raquo; Show allowed BBCode
define ( "LANG57" , "&raquo; بی بی کوڈ ظاہر کیجئے" );

//* <hidden>
define ( "LANG58" , "<hidden>" );

//* The guestbook is deactivated
define ( "LANG59" , "فی الحال گیسٹ بُک کام نہیں کر رہی" );

//* Please come back later !
define ( "LANG60" , "برائے مہربانی بعد میں تشریف لائیے گا !" );

//* New comment
define ( "LANG61" , "نئے تاثرات" );

//* Total comments
define ( "LANG62" , "کُل تاثرات" );

//* Language
define ( "LANG63" , "زبان" );

//* Gadu-Gadu
define ( "LANG64" , "گیجو۔گیجو" );

//* Jabber
define ( "LANG65" , "جیبر" );

//* Skype
define ( "LANG66" , "اسکائپ" );

//* Gender
define ( "LANG67" , "جنس" );

//* Search result
define ( "LANG68" , "تلاش کے نتائج" );

//* Back to normal view
define ( "LANG69" , "واپس نارمل حلئے کی طرف" );

//* Enter code
define ( "LANG70" , "کوڈ درج کیجئے" );

//* The search has no result !
define ( "LANG71" , "آپ کی تلاش کے کوئی نتائج برآمد نہیں ہوئے !" );

//* Comment from
define ( "LANG72" , "تاثرات بھیجنے والے" );

//* Admin
define ( "LANG73" , "ایڈمن" );


بھائی جی اس کی کچھ فائلیں مجھے بھیج دیں۔
میں ساتھ کام کرلیتا ہوں کافی عرصے سے ترجمے کا کام نہیں‌کیا۔


ترجمہ کی کوشش ھے ۔ مندرجہ ذیل۔
<?php //* editable <-- DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE !!!
// Translate the words and sentences on the right side of each line

//* Guestbook
define ( "LANG0" , "اندراج تاثرات" );

//* Guestbook (META TITLE)
define ( "LANG1" , "اندراج تاثرات" );

//* Show guestbook
define ( "LANG2" , "اندراج تاثرات کامرکزی صفحہ" );

//* Sign guestbook
define ( "LANG3" , "تاثرات درج کیجئے" );

//* Statistics
define ( "LANG4" , "اعداد و شمار" );

//* Page
define ( "LANG5" , "صفحہ" );

//* previous page
define ( "LANG6" , "سابقہ صفحہ" );

//* next page
define ( "LANG7" , "اگلا صفحہ" );

//* The guestbook is empty
define ( "LANG8" , "اندراج تاثرات ابھی خالی ہے" );

//* Please sign in !
define ( "LANG9" , "برائے مہربانی داخل شمار کیجئے !" );

//* EntryNo
define ( "LANG10" , "نمبر اندراج" );

//* Date
define ( "LANG11" , "تاریخ" );

//* Comment
define ( "LANG12" , "تاثرات" );

//* An error occured
define ( "LANG13" , "کوئی غلطی سرزد ہوئی ہے" );

//* Preview
define ( "LANG14" , "پیش منظر" );

//* Send
define ( "LANG15" , "ارسال کیجئے" );

//* Your data
define ( "LANG16" , "آپ کےکوائف" );

//* optional
define ( "LANG17" , "اختیاری" );

//* Name
define ( "LANG18" , "نام" );

//* Country
define ( "LANG19" , "ملک" );

//* Email
define ( "LANG20" , "برقی رابطہ" );

//* Homepage
define ( "LANG21" , "ویب سائیٹ" );

//* ICQ number
define ( "LANG22" , "آئی سی کیو نمبر" );

//* AIM identity
define ( "LANG23" , "اے ائی ایم" );

//* MSN identity
define ( "LANG24" , "ایم ایس این" );

//* YAHOO identity
define ( "LANG25" , "یاہو!" );

//* Rating
define ( "LANG26" , "درجات" );

//* Upload picture
define ( "LANG27" , "تصویر منتقل کریں" );

//* Allowed are GIG and JPEG-pictures with the following sizes
define ( "LANG28" , "صرف GIF اور JPEG ترتیب میں تصاویر مندرجہ ذیل مقدار کیساتھ منتقل کرنے کی اجازت ہے" );

//* X-size
define ( "LANG29" , "X-لمبائی" );

//* Y-size
define ( "LANG30" , "Y-چوڑائی" );

//* Emoticons
define ( "LANG31" , "جزباتی نقاط" );

//* Send
define ( "LANG32" , "ارسال کیجئے" );

//* Preview
define ( "LANG33" , "پیش منظر" );

//* Text
define ( "LANG34" , "متن" );

//* Amount of entries
define ( "LANG35" , "اندراجات کی مقدار" );

//* deleted from that because of spacereasons
define ( "LANG36" , "اضافی فاصلہ الفاظ ختم کیجئے" );

//* Visitors
define ( "LANG37" , "مہمانان گرامین" );

//* New entry
define ( "LANG38" , "نیا اندراج" );

//* Browser from guests
define ( "LANG39" , "مہمان کا براؤزر" );

//* OS from guests
define ( "LANG40" , "مہمان کا نظامِ کمپیوٹر" );

//* &Oslash;-rating
define ( "LANG41" , "درجات منتخب کئیے گئے" );

//* no rating
define ( "LANG42" , "کوئی درجات نہیں" );

//* &Oslash;-rating of numberinputs
define ( "LANG43" , "متعدد اندراجِ درجات" );

//* no input
define ( "LANG44" , "کوئی اندراج نہیں" );

//* no input available
define ( "LANG45" , "کوئی اندراج موجود نہیں" );

//* Origin of guests
define ( "LANG46" , "منبع مہمان" );

//* Private entry
define ( "LANG47" , "ذاتی اندراج" );

//* unlock
define ( "LANG48" , "قفل کھولیں" );

//* Password
define ( "LANG49" , "کلمہِ داخلہ" );

//* Only enter a password if you want to make your entry private
define ( "LANG49" , "صرف ذاتی اندراج کی صورت میں کلمہ داخلہ کا اندراج کریں" );

//* Search
define ( "LANG51" , "تلاش" );

//* Back to main index
define ( "LANG52" , "سائیٹ کےمرکزی صفحے پر واپسی" );

//* Add comment
define ( "LANG53" , "تاثرات درج کیجئے" );

//* Visitor comments:
define ( "LANG54" , "مہمان کے تاثرات:" );

//* Hide Email
define ( "LANG55" , "برقی رابطہ چھپائیے" );

//* Picture text
define ( "LANG56" , "تصویر کے الفاظ" );

//* &raquo; Show allowed BBCode
define ( "LANG57" , "&raquo; بی بی کوڈ ظاہر کیجئے" );

//* <hidden>
define ( "LANG58" , "<hidden>" );

//* The guestbook is deactivated
define ( "LANG59" , "اندراج تاثرات کا اطلاق بند ہے" );

//* Please come back later !
define ( "LANG60" , "برائے مہربانی بعد میں تشریف لائیے گا !" );

//* New comment
define ( "LANG61" , "نئے تاثرات" );

//* Total comments
define ( "LANG62" , "کُل تاثرات" );

//* Language
define ( "LANG63" , "زبان" );

//* Gadu-Gadu
define ( "LANG64" , "گاڈُو۔گاڈُو" );

//* Jabber
define ( "LANG65" , "جیبر" );

//* Skype
define ( "LANG66" , "اسکائپے" );

//* Gender
define ( "LANG67" , "جنس" );

//* Search result
define ( "LANG68" , "تلاش کے نتائج" );

//* Back to normal view
define ( "LANG69" , "واپسی برائے عام نظارہ" );

//* Enter code
define ( "LANG70" , "اندراجِ مخفییات" );

//* The search has no result !
define ( "LANG71" , "آپ کی تلاش کے کوئی نتائج برآمد نہیں ہوئے !" );

//* Comment from
define ( "LANG72" , "تاثرات بھیجنے والے" );

//* Admin
define ( "LANG73" , "ناظم" );

اک ادنا سی کوشش ہے اور حتی الوسع کوشش کی ہے کہ اردو ترجمہ لکھا جائے۔
والسلام۔ باالتوفیق والھدایت۔
جزاک اللہ وھاب بھائی،
زبردست۔ کافی غلطیوں کی آپ نے درستگی کی ہے۔ انشاء اللہ مزید فائلز اور الفاظ میں بھی قطع و برید جاری رہے گی۔ یہاں میں ایک اور فائل پوسٹ کر رہا ہوں۔ اِس میں کافی ممالک ایسے ہیں جن کا نام بھی میں نے نہیں سُنا ہوا تھا۔ بس انگلش میں جو پڑھنے میں سمجھ آیا وہی درج کرتا گیا۔ :) اِس کو بھی برقیانے کی کافی ضرورت ہے۔

اصل انگلش فائل
<php> "other Country",
 "AC" => "Ascension Island",
 "AD" => "Andorra",
 "AE" => "United Arab Emirates",
 "AF" => "Afghanistan",
 "AG" => "Antigua and Barbuda",
 "AI" => "Anguilla",
 "AL" => "Albania",
 "AM" => "Armenia",
 "AN" => "Netherlands Antilles",
 "AO" => "Angola",
 "AQ" => "Antarctica",
 "AR" => "Argentina",
 "AS" => "American Samoa",
 "AT" => "Austria",
 "AU" => "Australia",
 "AW" => "Aruba",
 "AZ" => "Azerbaijan",
 "BA" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
 "BB" => "Barbados",
 "BD" => "Bangladesh",
 "BE" => "Belgium",
 "BF" => "Burkina Faso",
 "BG" => "Bulgaria",
 "BH" => "Bahrain",
 "BI" => "Burundi",
 "BJ" => "Benin",
 "BM" => "Bermuda",
 "BN" => "Brunei",
 "BO" => "Bolivia",
 "BR" => "Brazil",
 "BS" => "Bahamas",
 "BT" => "Bhutan",
 "BV" => "Bouvet Island",
 "BW" => "Botswana",
 "BY" => "Belarus",
 "BZ" => "Belize",
 "CA" => "Canada",
 "CC" => "Cocos Islands",
 "CD" => "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
 "CF" => "Central African Republic",
 "CG" => "Republic of Congo",
 "CH" => "Switzerland",
 "CI" => "Ivory Coast",
 "CK" => "Cook Islands",
 "CL" => "Chile",
 "CM" => "Cameroon",
 "CN" => "China",
 "CO" => "Colombia",
 "CR" => "Costa Rica",
 "CU" => "Cuba",
 "CV" => "Cap Verde",
 "CX" => "Christmas Island",
 "CY" => "Cyprus",
 "CZ" => "Czech Republic",
 "DE" => "Germany",
 "DJ" => "Djibouti",
 "DK" => "Denmark",
 "DM" => "Dominica",
 "DO" => "Dominican Republic",
 "DZ" => "Algeria",
 "EC" => "Ecuador",
 "EE" => "Estonia",
 "EG" => "Egypt",
 "EH" => "Western Sahara",
 "ER" => "Eritrea",
 "ES" => "Spain",
 "ET" => "Ethiopia",
 "FI" => "Finland",
 "FJ" => "Fiji",
 "FK" => "Falkland Islands",
 "FM" => "Micronesia",
 "FO" => "Faroe Islands",
 "FR" => "France",
 "GA" => "Gabon",
 "GD" => "Grenada",
 "GE" => "Georgia",
 "GF" => "French Guiana",
 "GG" => "Guernsey",
 "GH" => "Ghana",
 "GI" => "Gibraltar",
 "GL" => "Greenland",
 "GM" => "Gambia",
 "GN" => "Guinea",
 "GP" => "Guadeloupe",
 "GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea",
 "GR" => "Greece",
 "GS" => "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands",
 "GT" => "Guatemala",
 "GU" => "Guam",
 "GW" => "Guinea Bissau",
 "GY" => "Guyana",
 "HK" => "Hong Kong",
 "HM" => "Heard und McDonald Islands",
 "HN" => "Honduras",
 "HR" => "Croatia",
 "HT" => "Haiti",
 "HU" => "Hungary",
 "ID" => "Indonesia",
 "IE" => "Ireland",
 "IL" => "Israel",
 "IM" => "Isle of Man",
 "IN" => "India",
 "IO" => "British Indian Ocean Territory",
 "IQ" => "Iraq",
 "IR" => "Iran",
 "IS" => "Iceland",
 "IT" => "Italy",
 "JE" => "Jersey",
 "JM" => "Jamaica",
 "JO" => "Jordan",
 "JP" => "Japan",
 "KE" => "Kenya",
 "KG" => "Kyrgyzstan",
 "KH" => "Cambodia",
 "KI" => "Kiribati",
 "KM" => "Comoros",
 "KN" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
 "KP" => "North Korea",
 "KR" => "South Korea",
 "KW" => "Kuwait",
 "KY" => "Cayman Islands",
 "KZ" => "Kazakhstan",
 "LA" => "Laos",
 "LB" => "Lebanon",
 "LC" => "Saint Lucia",
 "LI" => "Lichtenstein",
 "LK" => "Sri Lanka",
 "LR" => "Liberia",
 "LS" => "Lesotho",
 "LT" => "Lithuania",
 "LU" => "Luxemburg",
 "LV" => "Latvia",
 "LY" => "Libya",
 "MA" => "Morocco",
 "MC" => "Monaco",
 "MD" => "Moldova",
 "MG" => "Madagascar",
 "MH" => "Marshall Islands",
 "MK" => "Macedonia",
 "ML" => "Mali",
 "MM" => "Myanmar",
 "MN" => "Mongolia",
 "MO" => "Macao",
 "MP" => "Northern Mariana Islands",
 "MQ" => "Martinique",
 "MR" => "Mauretania",
 "MS" => "Montserrat",
 "MT" => "Malta",
 "MU" => "Mauritius",
 "MV" => "Maldives",
 "MW" => "Malawi",
 "MX" => "Mexico",
 "MY" => "Malaysia",
 "MZ" => "Mozambique",
 "NA" => "Namibia",
 "NC" => "New Caledonia",
 "NE" => "Niger",
 "NF" => "Norfolk Island",
 "NG" => "Nigeria",
 "NI" => "Nicaragua",
 "NL" => "Netherlands",
 "NO" => "Norway",
 "NP" => "Nepal",
 "NR" => "Nauru",
 "NU" => "Niue",
 "NZ" => "New Zealand",
 "OM" => "Oman",
 "PA" => "Panama",
 "PE" => "Peru",
 "PF" => "French Polynesia",
 "PG" => "Papua New Guinea",
 "PH" => "Philippines",
 "PK" => "Pakistan",
 "PL" => "Poland",
 "PM" => "Saint-Pierre and Miquelon",
 "PN" => "Pitcairn Islands",
 "PR" => "Puerto Rico",
 "PS" => "Palestine",
 "PT" => "Portugal",
 "PW" => "Palau",
 "PY" => "Paraguay",
 "QR" => "Qatar",
 "RE" => "Reunion Island",
 "RO" => "Romania",
 "RU" => "Russia",
 "RW" => "Rwanda",
 "SA" => "Saudi Arabia",
 "SB" => "Solomon Islands",
 "SC" => "Seychelles",
 "SD" => "Sudan",
 "SE" => "Sweden",
 "SG" => "Singapore",
 "SH" => "Saint Helena",
 "SI" => "Slovenia",
 "SJ" => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands",
 "SK" => "Slovakia",
 "SL" => "Sierra Leone",
 "SM" => "San Marino",
 "SN" => "Senegal",
 "SO" => "Somalia",
 "SR" => "Suriname",
 "ST" => "Sao Thome and Principe",
 "SV" => "El Salvador",
 "SY" => "Syria",
 "SZ" => "Swaziland",
 "TC" => "Turks und Caicos Islands",
 "TD" => "Chad",
 "TF" => "French Southern Territories",
 "TG" => "Togo",
 "TH" => "Thailand",
 "TJ" => "Tajikistan",
 "TK" => "Tokelau",
 "TM" => "Turkmenistan",
 "TN" => "Tunisia",
 "TO" => "Tonga",
 "TP" => "East Timor",
 "TR" => "Turkey",
 "TT" => "Trinidad and Tobago",
 "TV" => "Tuvalu",
 "TW" => "Taiwan",
 "TZ" => "Tanzania",
 "UA" => "Ukraine",
 "UG" => "Uganda",
 "UK" => "United Kingdom",
 "UM" => "US Minor Outlying Islands",
 "US" => "United States of America",
 "UY" => "Uruguay",
 "UZ" => "Uzbekistan",
 "VA" => "Holy See (Vatican City)",
 "VC" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
 "VE" => "Venezuela",
 "VG" => "Virgin Islands (British)",
 "VI" => "Virgin Islands (USA)",
 "VN" => "Vietnam",
 "VU" => "Vanuatu",
 "WF" => "Wallis und Futuna",
 "WS" => "Western Samoa",
 "YE" => "Yemen",
 "YT" => "Mayotte",
 "YU" => "Serbia and Montenegro",
 "ZA" => "South Africa",
 "ZM" => "Zambia",
 "ZW" => "Zimbabwe",
 // Version 1.3
 "ENG" => "England",
 "SCO" => "Scotland",
 "NIR" => "Northern Ireland",
 "WAL" => "Wales"

اردو ترجمہ شدہ فائل

<php> "دوسرے ممالک",
 "AC" => "ایسنشین آئیس لینڈ",
 "AD" => "اَینڈورا",
 "AE" => "متحدہ عرب اَمارات",
 "AF" => "اَفغانستان",
 "AG" => "انٹی گوا اینڈ باربوڈا",
 "AI" => "اینگویلا",
 "AL" => "البانیا",
 "AM" => "آرمینیا",
 "AN" => "نیدرلینڈ انٹیلس",
 "AO" => "اینگولا",
 "AQ" => "اینٹارکٹیکا",
 "AR" => "اَرجنٹینیا",
 "AS" => "امریکن سموآ",
 "AT" => "آسٹریا",
 "AU" => "اَسٹریلیا",
 "AW" => "اَروبا",
 "AZ" => "آذربائجان",
 "BA" => "بوسنیا ہرزیگوینیا",
 "BB" => "بارباڈوس",
 "BD" => "بنگلہ دیش",
 "BE" => "بیلجیئم",
 "BF" => "بُرکینا فاسو",
 "BG" => "بَلگاریا",
 "BH" => "بحرین",
 "BI" => "بُرندی",
 "BJ" => "بینین",
 "BM" => "برمودا",
 "BN" => "برونائی",
 "BO" => "بولویا",
 "BR" => "برازیل",
 "BS" => "باہامس",
 "BT" => "بھوٹان",
 "BV" => "بووٹ آئس لینڈ",
 "BW" => "بوٹس وانا",
 "BY" => "بیلارس",
 "BZ" => "بیلائز",
 "CA" => "کینیڈا",
 "CC" => "کوکوز آئسلینڈ",
 "CD" => "ڈیموکریٹک ریپبلک آف دا کونگو",
 "CF" => "سنٹرل افریقن ریپبلک",
 "CG" => "ریپبلک آف کونگو",
 "CH" => "سوئزرلینڈ",
 "CI" => "آئیوری کوسٹ",
 "CK" => "کوک آئس لینڈ",
 "CL" => "چلی",
 "CM" => "کیمرون",
 "CN" => "چائنہ",
 "CO" => "کولمبیا",
 "CR" => "کوسٹاریکا",
 "CU" => "کیوبا",
 "CV" => "کیپ وردی",
 "CX" => "کرسمس آئس لینڈ",
 "CY" => "کائپرس",
 "CZ" => "سی زک ریپبلک",
 "DE" => "جرمنی",
 "DJ" => "ڈی جبوتی",
 "DK" => "ڈِنمارک",
 "DM" => "ڈومینیکا",
 "DO" => "ڈومینیکن ریپبلک",
 "DZ" => "الجیریا",
 "EC" => "ایکواڈور",
 "EE" => "ایسٹونیا",
 "EG" => "مصر",
 "EH" => "ویسٹرن سہارا",
 "ER" => "آرائی ٹری",
 "ES" => "اَسپین",
 "ET" => "ایتھوپیا",
 "FI" => "فِن لینڈ",
 "FJ" => "فِجی",
 "FK" => "فالک لینڈ آئس لینڈ",
 "FM" => "مائیکرونیسیا",
 "FO" => "فروئی آئسلینڈ",
 "FR" => "فرانس",
 "GA" => "گیبن",
 "GD" => "گریناڈا",
 "GE" => "جیورجیا",
 "GF" => "فرینچ گیانا",
 "GG" => "گرنسے",
 "GH" => "گھانا",
 "GI" => "جبرالٹر",
 "GL" => "گرین لینڈ",
 "GM" => "گیمبیا",
 "GN" => "جیونی",
 "GP" => "گاڈ لوپ",
 "GQ" => "ایکاٹوریل جیونی",
 "GR" => "گریس",
 "GS" => "ساؤتھ جیورجیا/سینڈوچ آئس لینڈ",
 "GT" => "گٹی مالا",
 "GU" => "گوآم",
 "GW" => "جیونی بیسآؤ",
 "GY" => "گیانا",
 "HK" => "ہانگ کانگ",
 "HM" => "ہیئرڈ اَنڈ میک ڈونلڈ آئس لینڈ",
 "HN" => "ہونڈورس",
 "HR" => "کروشیا",
 "HT" => "ہیٹی",
 "HU" => "ہنگری",
 "ID" => "انڈونیشیا",
 "IE" => "آئرلینڈ",
 "IL" => "اسرائیل",
 "IM" => "آئسل آف مین",
 "IN" => "انڈیا",
 "IO" => "برٹش انڈین اوشین ٹیریٹوری",
 "IQ" => "عراق",
 "IR" => "اِران",
 "IS" => "آئس لینڈ",
 "IT" => "اِٹلی",
 "JE" => "جرسی",
 "JM" => "جمیکا",
 "JO" => "جارڈن",
 "JP" => "جاپان",
 "KE" => "کینیا",
 "KG" => "کرغستان",
 "KH" => "کمبوڈیا",
 "KI" => "کریبٹی",
 "KM" => "کومروس",
 "KN" => "سینٹ کٹس اینڈ نیویس",
 "KP" => "شمالی کوریا",
 "KR" => "جنوبی کوریا",
 "KW" => "کویت",
 "KY" => "کیمن آئس لینڈ",
 "KZ" => "قازقستان",
 "LA" => "لاؤس",
 "LB" => "لبنان",
 "LC" => "سینٹ لوسیا",
 "LI" => "لچ ٹینسٹین",
 "LK" => "سری لنکا",
 "LR" => "لبریا",
 "LS" => "لیسوتھو",
 "LT" => "لیتھانیا",
 "LU" => "لکسمبرگ",
 "LV" => "لاٹ وِیا",
 "LY" => "لیبیا",
 "MA" => "مراکو",
 "MC" => "مناکو",
 "MD" => "مالڈوا",
 "MG" => "مڈگاسکر",
 "MH" => "مارشل آئس لینڈ",
 "MK" => "میکڈونیا",
 "ML" => "مالی",
 "MM" => "ماینمار",
 "MN" => "منگولیا",
 "MO" => "ماکوآ",
 "MP" => "شمالی ماریانہ آئس لینڈ",
 "MQ" => "مارٹینیک",
 "MR" => "ماریٹینیا",
 "MS" => "مونٹسیراٹ",
 "MT" => "مالٹا",
 "MU" => "موریشیس",
 "MV" => "مالدیپ",
 "MW" => "ملاوی",
 "MX" => "میکسیکو",
 "MY" => "ملیشیاء",
 "MZ" => "موزمبیق",
 "NA" => "نیمیبیا",
 "NC" => "نیو کیلی ڈونیا",
 "NE" => "نیگر",
 "NF" => "نورفولک آئس لینڈ",
 "NG" => "نائجیریا",
 "NI" => "نکارگوآ",
 "NL" => "ہالینڈ",
 "NO" => "ناروے",
 "NP" => "نیپال",
 "NR" => "نورو",
 "NU" => "نیوای",
 "NZ" => "نیوزی لینڈ",
 "OM" => "اومان",
 "PA" => "پاناما",
 "PE" => "پیرو",
 "PF" => "فرینچ پولینیسا",
 "PG" => "پاپوآ نیو جیونی",
 "PH" => "فلپائن",
 "PK" => "پاکستان",
 "PL" => "پالینڈ",
 "PM" => "سینٹ پائر اینڈ مائکلون",
 "PN" => "پیٹکیرن آئس لینڈ",
 "PR" => "پرتو ریکو",
 "PS" => "فلسطین",
 "PT" => "پرتگال",
 "PW" => "پلوآ",
 "PY" => "پیراگوئے",
 "QR" => "قطر",
 "RE" => "ری یونین آئس لینڈ",
 "RO" => "رومانیا",
 "RU" => "روس",
 "RW" => "روانڈا",
 "SA" => "صعودی عرب",
 "SB" => "سولومین آئس لینڈز",
 "SC" => "سیچلس",
 "SD" => "سوڈان",
 "SE" => "سویڈن",
 "SG" => "سنگاپور",
 "SH" => "سینٹ ہیلینا",
 "SI" => "سلووینیا",
 "SJ" => "سویل برڈ اینڈ جان ماین آئس لینڈز",
 "SK" => "سلوواکیا",
 "SL" => "سیرا لیون",
 "SM" => "سین مارینو",
 "SN" => "سینی گال",
 "SO" => "سومالیا",
 "SR" => "سری نیم",
 "ST" => "ساؤ تھوم اینڈ پرنسائپ",
 "SV" => "ای سالواڈور",
 "SY" => "شام",
 "SZ" => "سویزی لینڈ",
 "TC" => "ترکس اینڈ کیکس آئس لینڈ",
 "TD" => "چاڈ",
 "TF" => "فرینچ ساؤدرن ٹیری ٹوریز",
 "TG" => "ٹاگو",
 "TH" => "تھائی لینڈ",
 "TJ" => "تاجکستان",
 "TK" => "ٹوکیلو",
 "TM" => "ترکمانستان",
 "TN" => "تیونیسیا",
 "TO" => "ٹونگا",
 "TP" => "ایسٹ تیمور",
 "TR" => "ترکی",
 "TT" => "ٹرنیڈیڈ اینڈ ٹوباگو",
 "TV" => "ٹووالو",
 "TW" => "تائیوان",
 "TZ" => "تنزانیا",
 "UA" => "یوکرائن",
 "UG" => "یوگنڈا",
 "UK" => "برطانیہ",
 "UM" => "یوایس مائنرآؤٹ لائنگ آئس لینڈ",
 "US" => "امریکہ",
 "UY" => "یوروگوائے",
 "UZ" => "اُزبکستان",
 "VA" => "ہالی سی ( ویٹی کین سٹی)",
 "VC" => "سینٹ وینسنٹ اینڈ دا گرینڈائنز",
 "VE" => "وینزویلہ",
 "VG" => "وریگن آئس لینڈ (برٹش)",
 "VI" => "وریگن آئس لینڈ (یو ایس اے)",
 "VN" => "ویت نام",
 "VU" => "ووناٹو",
 "WF" => "والس انڈ فوٹونا",
 "WS" => "ویسٹرن سوموآ",
 "YE" => "یمن",
 "YT" => "مایوٹی",
 "YU" => "سربیا اینڈ مونٹینیگرو",
 "ZA" => "جنوبی افریقہ",
 "ZM" => "زیمبیا",
 "ZW" => "زمبابوے",
 // Version 1.3
 "ENG" => "انگلینڈ",
 "SCO" => "اسکاٹ لینڈ",
 "NIR" => "شمالی آئرلینڈ",
 "WAL" => "والز"
langadmin.inc کا ادھورا ترجمہ

<php> "کوئی سھو (ایرر) سرزد ہوگیا ہے",
"tooLongEntry" => "برائےکرم اپنے تاثرات کے الفاظ کم کرکے مندرجہ ذیل مقررہ تعداد کےمطابق کیجئے",
"noName" => "نام درج کرنا لازمی ہے",
"noEntry" => "پیغام کا اندراج لازمی ہے",
"enterPassword" => "پاس ورڈ درج کریں",
"wrongPassword" => "آپ نے غلط پاس ورڈ درج کیا ہے",
"afterLogout" => "آپ لاگ آؤٹ ہوچکے ہیں",
"admin" => "ایڈمنسٹریشن",
"setup" => "سیٹ اَپ",
"generalSetup" => "جنرل سیٹ اَپ",
"securitySetup" => "سیکیورٹی سیٹ اَپ",
"accessData" => "مواد تک رسائی حاصل کریں",
"useFrames" => "فریمز کا استعمال",
"useFramesInfo" => "اگر آپ نے اِس کا انتخاب کیا تو آپ کی گیسٹ بُک کا خاکہ فریمز میں تبدیل ہوجائے گا۔ بہرکیف اِس کے لئے براؤزر کا قابل امداد ہونا لازمی ہے",
"useEmoticonsInfo" => "اگر سمائلیز قابل استعمال ہیں تو لکھائی کے مخصوص پیغامات تصویری شکل میں تبدیل ہوجائیں گے",
"activLinks" => "لنکس کو قابل استعمال کریں",
"activLinksInfo" => "لنکس کو قابل استعمال کرنے سے پیغام کے وہ حصے جہاں پر کوئی لنک موجود ہوگا۔ کلک کرنے کے قابل ہوجائیں گے",
"entriesPage" => "فی صفحہ پیغامات",
"entriesPageInfo" => "ایک صفحے پر ظاہر ہونے والے سب سے زیادہ پیغامات کی تعداد",
"maxSpamtime" => "بے کار پیغامات سے بچنے کیلئے وقت",
"maxEntries" => "محفوظ پیغامات کی سب سے زیادہ تعداد",
"maxEntriesInfo" => "لاتعداد پیغامات کیلئے 0 درج کریں۔ اگر آپ نے ایک مخصوص تعداد منتخب کی تو مقررہ تعداد پر پہنچنے کے بعد باقی پیغامات خود بخود ختم ہوتے جائیں گے",
"forceBreak" => "ہر لفظ کے بعد نئی لائن کا انتخاب",
"forceBreakInfo" => "ہر لفظ کے بعد نئی لائن کو ختم کرنے کیلئے 0 درج کریں۔ ورنہ ہرلفظ کے بعد نئی لائن خود بخود منتخب ہوجائے گی اور پیغام بہت زیادہ لمبا اور گیسٹ بُک کے حلیے کو خراب کرنے کا سبب بن سکتا ہے",
"adminEmail" => "برقی رابطہ",
"adminEmailInfo" => "ایڈمنسٹریشن کیلئے پاس ورڈ آپ کو اِس برقی رابطے پر بھیجا جائے گا",
"password" => "نیا پاس ورڈ",
"passwordInfo" => "صرف اُس صورت میں درج کریں اگر آپ ایڈمنسٹریشن پاس ورڈ تبدیل کرنا چاہتے ہیں",
"password2" => "نیا پاس ورڈ (دوبارہ)",
"password2Info" => "غلطی کو دور کرنے کیلئے دوبارہ پاس ورڈ داخل کریں",
"passwordError" => "آپ کا درج کردہ پاس ورڈ ایک دوسرے سےمشابہت نہیں رکھتا۔ دوبارہ درج کیجئے",
"useSkin" => "حلیہ استعمال کریں",
"useSkinInfo" => "یہاں سے گیسٹ بُک کا حلیہ منتخب کریں۔ حلیہ تبدیل کرنے کیلئے متعدد حلیے آپ کی گیسٹ بُک کے اسکن فولڈر میں موجود ہونا ضروری ہیں",
"saveSetup" => "سیٹ اَپ محفوظ کریں",
"wrongSkin" => "آپ کی منتخب کردہ اسکن موجود نہیں ہے",
"manageEntries" => "پیغامات سیٹ کریں",
"manageInputs" => "اِن پُٹ فیلڈز سیٹ کریں",
"options" => "آپشنز",
"deleteAll" => "گیسٹ بُک کے تمام پیغامات ختم کریں",
"entries" => "پیغامات",
"delete" => "ختم کریں",
"edit" => "قطع و برید",
"entry" => "پیغام",
"name" => "نام",
"text" => "الفاظ",
"page" => "صفحہ",
"next" => "اگلا",
"prev" => "پچھلا",
"editEntry" => "پیغام میں قطع و برید کریں",
"inputs" => "اِن پُٹس",
"cancel" => "رَد کریں",
"saveChanges" => "تبدیلیاں محفوظ کریں",
"email" => "برقی رابطہ",
"homepage" => "ویب سائیٹ",
"icq" => "آئی سی کیو نمبر",
"aim" => "اے آئی ایم",
"msn" => "ایم ایس این",
"yahoo" => "یاہو",
"country" => "ملک",
"customs" => "نئی اِن پُٹ فیلڈ بنائیں",
"really" => "کیا آپ واقعی یہ تمام ختم کرنا چاہتے ہیں؟",
"maxLength" => "سب سے زیادہ الفاظ کی مقررہ تعداد",
"maxLengthInfo" => "1 سے لیکر 127 الفاظ کے درمیان تعداد منتخب کیجئے",
"maxLengthInfo2" => "لاتعداد الفاظ کیلئے 0 درج کریں",
"actField" => "فیلڈ کو قابل استعمال کیجئے",
"forceInput" => "لازمی",
"forceInputInfo" => "اگر آپ نے اِن پُٹ کے لئے لازمی منتخب کیا ہے تو اِس اِن پُٹ میں اندراج کے بغیر پیغام گیسٹ بُک میں درج نہیں ہوگا",
"saveInputs" => "تبدیلیاں محفوظ کیجئے",
"warn" => "پیغامات کو محفوظ کرنے سے مندرجہ ذیل فیلڈز کا مواد ختم ہوجائے گا",
"ratings" => "ریٹنگ",
"newRating" => "نئی ریٹنگ",
"priority" => "فوقیت",
"priorityInfo" => "0 سے لیکر 127 تک اندراج کرکے آپ اِس فیلڈ کی فوقیت کو اُجاگر کر سکتے ہیں",
"actStats" => "تخلیقِ اعداد و شمار",
"actStatsInfo" => "اِس کو منتخب کرنے سے گیسٹ بُک کے اعداد و شمار ترتیب دیے جائیں گے",
"actNoStats" => "بہرحال اِس فیلڈ کیلئے کوئی اعداد شمار ترتیب نہ دیے جائیں",
"addRating" => "ریٹنگ درج کریں",
"editRating" => "ریٹنگ میں قطع و برید",
"customFields" => "پسندیدہ فیلڈز منتخب کریں",
"type" => "قسم",
"textInput" => " پیغام کیلئے اِن پُٹ فیلڈ",
"numberInput" => "اعداد کیلئے اِن پُٹ فیلڈ",
"selectInput" => " فہرست",
"newCustom" => "نئی منتخب کردہ فیلڈ",
"addCustom" => "اِن پُٹ فیلڈ داخل کریں",
"rules" => "قوانین",
"rulesInfo" => "Text field:
 In the first row a maximum length for the input from 1 to 127 can be specified.

Number field:
In the first row a rule of the form X - Y can be specified, where X is a number for the lower boundary and Y the one for the upper boundary of the input. If X or Y are missing, the smallest (0) or the greatest number (999999) will be put in automatically.

Drop-down box:
In every row can be specified a selection option in the form X = Y, where X is a determined index and Y the text for this index which will be displayed in the drop-down box.",
"noOptions" => "You must specify options for the drop-down box !",
"wrongMax" => "The upper boundary in the rules is invalid !",
"wrongMin" => "The lower boundary in the rules is invalid !",
"wrongLimits" => "The upper boundary in the rules must be below the lower boundary !",
"emptyIndex" => "The rules are not allowed to contain an empty index !",
"indexError" => "The rules must use different indeces !",
"editCustom" => "Edit input field",
"manageCountries" => "Manage countries",
"newCountry" => "New country",
"addCountry" => "Add country",
"icon" => "Flag",
"iconInfo" => "The name of a graphic file in the flags directory. If no filename is specified no graphic symbol will be used for this country.",
"translate" => "Name is a TLD country code",
"savedCountries" => "Saved countries",
"noCode" => "The name is no valid TLD country code !",
"noIcon" => "The following file is missing : ",
"editCountry" => "Edit country",
"deleteCountries" => "Delete all countries",
"existsCountry" => "There is already a country with this name !",
"missingMail" => "You must enter an E-mail address if you want to use the automatic notification !",
"comment" => "Comment",
"commentInfo" => "You can enter a comment here which will be displayed below the text of this entry.",
"requirements" => "You must enable Cookies and Javascript in your browser for full functionality !",
"wrongLength" => "The length in the following field is invalid : ",
"wrongMaxlen" => "The maxim length in the rule is invalid !",
"sure" => "Delete really ?",
// Version 1.1
"mailComment" => "Your guestbook entry has been commented on !",
"unknown" => "unknown",
"general" => "General",
"strcode" => "String",
"codeInfo" => "The string which will be replaced by the Emoticon",
"noString" => "You must enter a string for the Emoticon !",
"filename" => "Filename",
"filenameInfo" => "The filename of the Emoticon. This file must exist in the emoticons folder of the active skin.",
"noFilename" => "You must enter a filename for the Emoticon !",
"priorityInfo2" => "Determines a priority from 0 to 127. The Emoticons will be given out in ascending priority.",
"manageStats" => "Manage statistics",
"editEmoticon" => "Edit Emoticon",
"emoticon" => "Emoticon",
"manageEmoticons" => "Manage Emoticons",
"deleteEmoticons" => "Delete all Emoticons",
"newEmoticon" => "New Emoticon",
"addEmoticon" => "Add Emoticon",
"savedEmoticons" => "Saved Emoticons",
"existsEmoticon" => "There is already an Emoticon with this string !",
"pic" => "Picture",
"savedPictures" => "Saved pictures",
"picture" => "Picture upload",
"deletePicture" => "Delete picture",
"delInvalid" => "Delete all invalid pictures",
"rangeX" => "Allowed X-size",
"rangeXInfo" => "Here you can enter the minimum and maximum X-size of the pictures that are accepted for the upload. If you enter a single number the X-size must be fixed and if you enter numbers in the form X-Y, all X-sizes from X to Y will be accepted.",
"rangeY" => "Allowed Y-size",
"rangeYInfo" => "Here you can enter the minimum and maximum Y-size of the pictures that are accepted for the upload. If you enter a single number the Y-size must be fixed and if you enter numbers in the form X-Y, all Y-sizes from X to Y will be accepted.",
"badwordFilter" => "Badword filter",
"filterSetup" => "Filter Setup",
"badwordString" => "Replace badwords by",
"badwordStringInfo" => "All badwords found in the text will be replaced by this string",
"badwords" => "Badwords",
"badwordsInfo" => "Here you can edit the file ht_badwords.php to add, delete or modify badwords that are recognized by the filter. Every badword must stand in a new line. Lines that start with / are comments. The \$-character can be used to show the filter that only words starting or ending with the badword should be filtered.

For example:
  \$ass will filter 'asshole' but not 'pass'
  ass\$ will filter 'jackass' but not 'assurance'
  \$ass\$ will only filter 'ass' but no other word containing ass",
"form" => "Form",
"formText" => "Formtext",
"formTextInfo" => "Here you can enter a text for this rating that is displayed in the form. If you leave this field blank the name of the rating will be used as formtext.",
"formTextInfo2" => "Here you can enter a text for this inputfield that is displayed in the form. If you leave this field blank the name of the inputfield will be used as formtext.",
"limitations" => "Output limitations",
"limit" => "Limit for ",
"limitInfo" => "Here you can enter a limit for this field, so that the number of different options that are displayed on the statistics page for this field is limited. Enter 0 for no limitation.",
"hideStats" => "Hide the statistics page",
"hideStatsInfo" => "Check this field if you don't want to show a statistics page",
"usageDatabase" => "Total size of the database",
"usageVGB" => "used by ViPER Guestbook",
// Version 1.12
"continue" => "Continue",
// Version 1.2
"bbcode" => "BBCode",
"bbcodeSetup" => "BBCode Setup",
"activateBBCode" => "Activate BBCode",
"bbcodeInfo" => "BBCode will allow your visitors to format their entries with pseudo-HTML. In admin comments BBCode is allways activated with all codes.",
"stripCode" => "Delete invalid code",
"stripCodeInfo" => "If this option is checked all expressions enclosed by [ and ] that are no valid or allowed BBCode will be deleted",
"allowedCode" => "Allowed Codes",
"bold" => "Bold",
"italic" => "Italic",
"underline" => "Underline",
"codeWarn" => "This code can produce invalid XHTML !",
"code" => "Code",
"quote" => "Quote",
"left" => "Left",
"center" => "Center",
"right" => "Right",
"image" => "Image",
"imageInfo" => "It's not recommended that you allow this code since too big images can destroy a design !",
"link" => "Link",
"list" => "List",
"size" => "Size",
"allowedSize" => "Allowed size",
"colorHex" => "Color (hex value)",
"colorPredefined" => "Color (predefined)",
"userColors" => "Predefined colors",
"userColorsInfo" => "Each line must have the form


whereas name is the identifier (only letters and digits are allowed) of color and hexval the hexadecimal value of the color.",
"font" => "Font",
"allowedFonts" => "Allowed fonts",
"allowedFontsInfo" => "Enter every font name in a new line. If you leave this field blank all fonts are allowed.",
"invalidPrecolor" => "Invalid predefined color assignment in line ",
"invalidHexval" => "Invalid predefined color value in line ",
"invalidIdent" => "Predefined color identifier is invalid in line ",
"existingIdent" => "Predefined color identifier already exists in line ",
"pictureText" => "Picture text",
"askPrivate" => "Allow private entries",
"askPrivateInfo" => "With a private entry a user can protect his entry with a password so that only he and the admin can read the entry.",
"privParameter" => "Private parameter",
"privPassword" => "Private password",
"privParameterInfo" => "If you want to allow private entries you must enter a secret parameter assignment in the form X=Y which allows you to see all private entries, if you open your guestbook with this parameter.",
"hiddenEmail" => "Hide E-mail",
"hideEmail" => "Allow hidden E-mails",
"hideEmailInfo" => "Activate this option if you want that your visitors can hide their E-mail address.",
"useAdminEmo" => "Activate Emoticons for Administrator",
"useIFrame" => "Use IFrame for Emoticons",
"useIFrameInfo" => "If you have many Emoticons defined use this option to get a more compact overview of the available Emoticons in the form.",
"preAllocWith" => "Preallocate with",
"preAllocWithInfo" => "Enter an index here if the field is a selection. In case of another field type you can enter the value directly.",
"noPrivParam" => "You must enter a private parameter if you want to allow private entries !",
"noURL" => "You must enter the URL to your guestbook if you want to allow private entries or the search function !",
"logout" => "Logout",
"navigation" => "Navigation",
"resetCounter" => "Reset visitor counter",
"dateTime" => "Time &amp; date",
"onlineDate" => "Online date",
"day" => "Day",
"month" => "Month",
"year" => "Year",
"timeAdjustment" => "Time adjustment <span>( h / min / sec )</span>",
"timeAdjustInfo" => "Here you can adjust the time if the server time is different to yours.",
"picFilename" => "Picture filename",
"visitComments" => "Visitor comments",
"deleteComments" => "Delete all comments",
"savedComments" => "Saved comments",
"newComment" => "New comment",
"addComment" => "Add comment",
"editVisitComment" => "Edit visitor comment",
"adminComment" => "Administrator comment",
"number" => "No.",
"moderatedMode" => "Moderated mode",
"moderatedModeInfo" => "If you activate the moderated mode you will have the possiblity to check all entries and visitor comments before they appear in the guestbook.",
"newEntries" => "New entries",
"date" => "Date",
"reject" => "Reject",
"accept" => "Accept",
"rejectConfirm" => "Really reject ?",
"newComments" => "New comments",
"guestbookStatus" => "Guestbook status",
"activate" => "Activate guestbook",
"deactivate" => "Deactivate guestbook",
"deactivatedInfo" => "The guestbook is deactivated !",
"mailsNotification" => "E-mails / Notification",
"activateEmail" => "Activate E-mail",
"subject" => "Subject",
"message" => "Message",
"emailInfo2" => "
Leave the field empty for a default text.",
"email1" => "New entry notification",
"email2" => "Thank you E-mail",
"email3" => "Entry commented notification",
"email4" => "Entry accepted notification",
"email5" => "Entry rejected notification",
"mailAccepted" => "Your guestbook entry has been accepted !",
"mailRejected" => "Your guestbook entry has been rejected !",
"noReason" => "No reason given",
"enterReason" => "Please enter a reason:",
"broadcast" => "Broadcast",
"sendBroadcast" => "Start broadcast",
"abort" => "Abort",
"backURL" => "URL to your main index",
"backURLInfo" => "Just enter the URL to your main index here if you want to have a link back to your startpage",
"allowSearch" => "Allow search",
"allowSearchInfo" => "Enables a search function for the guestbook",
"checkEntries" => "You must check your new entries and comments before you can deactivate the moderated mode !",
"skin" => "Skin",
"guestbookInfo" => "Guestbook information",
"database" => "Database",
"servertime" => "Server time",
"activeSkin" => "Active skin",
"revision" => "Revision",
"artist" => "Artist",
"language" => "Language",
"modes" => "Supported modes",
"notes" => "Notes",
"framemode" => "Framemode",
"nonFramemode" => "Non-Framemode",
"singlePagemode" => "Single page mode",
"visitorCounter" => "Visitor counter",
"visitors" => "Visitors",
"since" => "Since",
"showGuestbook" => "Show guestbook",
"showPrivGuestbook" => "Show guestbook with private entries",
"maxSpamtimeInfo" => "Is the minimum time which must pass by until an user can resign into the guestbook. Enter 0 to deactivate the flood protection.",
"useFilter" => "Use badword filter on text",
"useEmoticons" => "Activate Emoticons",
"indexURL" => "URL to guestbook",
"indexURLInfo" => "You must enter the URL to open your guestbook here if you want use some of the guestbook functions.",
"useUSDate" => "Date format",
// Version 1.21
"maxEmptyLines" => "Maximum amount of allowed empty lines",
"maxEmptyLinesInfo" => "Here you can limit the maximum of empty lines in an entry text. Enter 0 if you don't want to use the empty lines limiter.",
"emailTooltip" => "E-mail notation",
"banlist" => "IP / hostname banlist",
"banlistInfo" => "All of the hostnames and IPs of this list can't access your guestbook. Every IP or hostname you want to ban must stand in a new line. Enter an incomplete IP or hostname if you want to ban all users that come from a domain.
For example:

127.0.0 will ban all users with an IP from to
dynamic.adsl will ban all user that have a hostname like x.dynamic.adsl",
"editStyle" => "Edit style.inc",
"editLang" => "Edit lang.inc",
"emailFrom" => "From address",
"onlyFirstEntry" => "Only about first new entry since last login",
"onlyFirstComment" => "Notify only about first new comment",
"email6" => "New visitor comment notification (admin)",
"email7" => "New visitor comment notification (user)",
"email8" => "Visitor comment accepted notification",
"email9" => "Visitor comment rejected notification",
"commentSubject" => "You've received a new visitor comment",
"commentRejected" => "Your visitor comment has been rejected",
"commentAccepted" => "Your visitor comment has been accepted",
"delMarkEntries" => "Delete all marked entries",
"delMarkEmoticons" => "Delete all marked Emoticons",
"delMarkCountries" => "Delete all marked countries",
"delMarkComments" => "Delete all marked Comments",
"userSetup" => "User Setup",
"passwordPrefix" => "Password prefix",
"passPrefixInfo" => "If a name of an entry starts with this prefix the rest of the name is going to be interpreted as user password.
For example:

If the prefix is [b]pass=[/b] then an user with the password [b]secret[/b] must enter [b]pass=secret[/b] as name when he signs the guestbook",
"newUser" => "New user",
"reserveName" => "Reserve name",
"reserveNameInfo" => "Other visitors can't use the name of this user if you check this field",
"userPassword" => "Password",
"signature" => "Signature",
"signatureInfo" => "The text of this field will be appended to the entry text of the user",
"addUser" => "Add user",
"savedUsers" => "Saved users",
"noPrefix" => "You must enter a password prefix !",
"invalidPassword" => "The password is invalid or already reserved, please enter another one !",
"reserved" => "reserved",
"editUser" => "Edit user",
"thumbnailX" => "Use thumbnail if X-size greater than",
"thumbnailY" => "Use thumbnail if Y-size greater than",
"thumbnailXInfo" => "If the X-size of the uploaded picture is greater than this value an enlargeable thumbnails will be used for the picture. Enter 0 if you don't want a thumbnail.",
"thumbnailYInfo" => "If the Y-size of the uploaded picture is greater than this value an enlargeable thumbnails will be used for the picture. Enter 0 if you don't want a thumbnail.",
"fileError" => "File error !
Please make sure that style.inc and lang.inc are available in your skin directory and have the right permissions !",

// Version 1.3

"version" => "Version",
"login" => "Login",
"time" => "Time",
"private" => "private",
"notificationSetup" => "E-mail Setup",
"noLogin" => "Due to security reasons you can't login at this time. Please retry later !<center>(password hacker protection)</center>",
"encoding" => "Encoding",
"encodingInfo" => "You can enter an encoding for your language here if you don't want to use the standard encoding of your webserver.

See [b]readme.txt[/b] for possible encodings !",
"noSaved" => "No saved",
"broadcasting" => "Operation in progress",
"operationSuccess" => "The operation was successful !",
"banRobots" => "Ban search and spam robots",
"banRobotsInfo" => "Check this option if you don't want that known search and spam robots visit your guestbook",
"encodingWarning" => "If you change between single and multibyte encodings or different multibyte encodings you can loose datas !\nAre you sure that you want to change the encoding ?",
"useMailer" => "E-mail contact",
"useMailerInfo" => "The encrypted mailto links are only working if Javascript is enabled in the browser. Contact to hidden E-mail addresses is only possible via formmailer.",
"commentMode0" => "not allowed",
"commentMode1" => "open in pop-up window",
"commentMode2" => "as block in entries",
"allowCommentsInfo" => "The visitors can add comments to an entry if you check this field.",
"hideIP" => "IP output",
"hideIPInfo" => "Here you can select how the IPs of entries and comments are given out.",
"hideHost" => "Hostname output",
"hideHostInfo" => "Here you can select how the hostnames of entries and comments are given out.",
"emailTooltipInfo" => "Define a spambot secure notation for E-mail addresses in a tooltip text.
The following strings will be replaced:

[b]::user::[/b] by the username of the E-mail address
[b]::domain::[/b] by the domain name of the E-mail address
[b]::tld::[/b] by the top level domain of the address ",
"allowedSizeInfo" => "Enter the allowed size here in the form X-Y whereas X is the minimum and Y the maximum. The size is the size from 1 to 7 used in the FONT tag.",
"translateInfo" => "If activated, the name will be interpreted as international country code of a Top-Level Domain (TLD) (e.g. DE is the country code for Germany) and the country name will be translated into the current language.
An overview of codes can be found on [url='http://www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm']www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm[/url]

For the countries of the United Kingdom exists no official TLDs but you can use the following pseudo-TLDs:

[b]ENG[/b] = England
[b]SCO[/b] = Scotland
[b]NIR[/b] = Northern Ireland
[b]WAL[/b] = Wales",
"htmlEmail" => "Send HTML Emails",
"htmlEmailInfo" => "Check this option if you want to use HTML in your Email",
"sendMailError" => "E-mail couldn't be sent !",
"sendMailDone" => "The E-mail was sent successfully !",
"emailFromInfo" => "E-mail address for the From field in the E-mail header.",
"wrongField" => "The input for the following field is invalid: ",
"noASCII" => "Only ASCII characters are allowed in the field: ",

"replaceSubject" => "The following strings will be replaced in [b]Subject[/b]",
"replaceMessage" => "The following strings will be replaced in [b]Message[/b]",
"replaceReason" => "reason for rejectment",
"replaceFrom" => "Name of author",
"ampmTime" => "AM/PM time format",
"hostResolve" => "Hostname resolving",
"hostResolveInfo" => "If your guestbook is too slow you should try to deactivate this feature. Without hostname resolving the hostname of your visitor can't be determined.",
"redirectShow" => "Redirect to entries after posting",
"redirectShowInfo" => "Works only in the Non-Framemode.",
"normal" => "normal",
"anonym" => "anonymous",
"noOutput" => "no output",
"emailMethod" => "Send E-mail via",
"smtpServer" => "SMTP server",
"returnPath" => "Return-Path",
"returnPathInfo" => "Value for the Return-Path field of the E-mail header.",
"mailCharset" => "Mail charset",
"cmdLineParam" => "Command line parameter",
"cmdLineParamInfo" => "On some servers you must delete this line.",
"crlfHeader" => "Header new line",
"crlfHeaderInfo" => "Try to change this option if you can see the mail header in the message of your E-mails.",
"smtpHost" => "SMTP hostname",
"smtpPort" => "SMTP port",
"smtpPortInfo" => "The common port number for SMTP is 25",
"smtpUsername" => "SMTP username",
"smtpPassword" => "SMTP password",
"smtpAuthInfo" => "Only needed if the server requires authentication.",
"noContact" => "no E-mail contact",
"formMailer" => "via formmailer",
"secureMailto" => "via encrypted mailto",
"skinname" => "Insert name of skinfile into HTML code",
"skinnameInfo" => "This feature is helpful while the modification of a skin, apart from that it should be deactivated.",
"countryPackages" => "Country packages",
"installCountries" => "Install marked country packages",
"europe" => "Europe",
"northAmerica" => "North America",
"southAmerica" => "South America",
"asia" => "Asia",
"africa" => "Africa",
"oceania" => "Australia / Oceania",
"dependencies" => "Territories and Dependencies",
"useWordwrap" => "Use word wrapping on input",
"useWordwrapInfo" => "Uncheck this option if you don't want to use word wrapping for this custom field",
"skype" => "Skype identity",
"jabber" => "Jabber identity",
"gadugadu" => "Gadu-Gadu number",
"gender" => "Gender",
"male" => "male",
"female" => "female",
"maxFilesize" => "Maximum file size in KB",
"maxFilesizeInfo" => "Enter 0 for unlimited size.",
"maxRating" => "Maximum rating value",
"maxRatingInfo" => "The maximum rating value can be a number between 2 and 100",
"closeComments" => "Close comments",
"openComments" => "Open comments",
"closed" => "closed",
"closedWarning" => "The comments are closed !",
"gbLanguages" => "Guestbook languages",
"newLanguage" => "New language",
"languageInfo" => "Select the folder of the language you want to add. A new language needs its own subdirectory in the lang folder",
"addLanguage" => "Add language",
"defaultLang" => "default language",
"editLanguage" => "Edit guestbook language",
"defaultName" => "Name for default language",
"defaultNameInfo" => "This name will be displayed for the default language",
"adminLink" => "Link to administration",
"adminLinkInfo" => "Check this field if you want to have a link the administration in the guestbook menu.",
"sticky" => "Sticky position",
"stickyInfo" => "You can make an entry remain on top of the guestbook if you enter a position from 1 to 255 here. Multiple sticky entries are ordered by descending position.",
"editEmail" => "Edit E-mail",
"noIframes" => "Please enable IFrames !",
"useCookies" => "Use Cookies",
"useCookiesInfo" => "If you enable cookies the contact datas are saved on the user's computer and the saved fields will be filled out automatically. Works only if the guestbook is not included and doesn't use the Frame-Mode !",
"useTickets" => "Captcha",
"useTicketsInfo" => "If you check this option everyone who wants to sign the guestbook must enter a validation code that is not readable by most automated scripts. Requires GD library !",
"guestbook" => "Guestbook",
"fmailer" => "Formmailer",
"manageUsers" => "Users / Admins",
"savedAdmins" => "Saved admins",
"newAdmin" => "New admin",
"addAdmin" => "Add admin",
"editAdmin" => "Edit admin",
"administrator" => "Admin",
"lastLogin" => "Last login",
"backupRestore" => "Backup / Restore",
"makeBackup" => "Make a new backup",
"noBackup" => "Can't create a backup file !
Please make sure that the backups directory has the right permissions !",
"backups" => "Backups",
"import" => "Import",
"restore" => "Restore",
"unknownFields" => "The following fields are unknown:",
"create" => "create field",
"toolbar" => "Toolbar",
"wysiwyg" => "WYSIWYG editor",
"extras" => "Extras",
"extrasInfo" => "You can enable a BBCode Toolbar for easier BBCode input and a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor here. Please note that the WYSIWYG editor only appears in new IE and FF browsers.",
"mailLimit" => "Maximum mails per user",
"mailLimitInfo" => "If you want to limit the amount of mails a user can send via the formmailer, you must enter a limit above 0 (= no limit) here.",
"saveActions" => "Save actions of last visitors",
"saveActionsInfo" => "The number of users whose last actions you want to save. Enter 0 if you don't want to save the actions.",
"savedActions" => "Actions of the last visitors",
"checkMails" => "Check E-mails before delivery",
"newMails" => "New E-mails",
"sendto" => "Send to",
"replyto" => "Reply to",
"action1" => "Show guestbook - Page ",
"action2" => "Sign guestbook",
"action3" => "Guestbook statistics",
"action4" => "Entry preview",
"action5" => "Send entry",
"action6" => "Search result - Page ",
"action7" => "Banned robot",
"action8" => "Banned user",
"action9" => "Show BBCode information",
"action10" => "Show picture ",
"action11" => "Search",
"action12" => "Show visitor comments from ",
"action13" => "Comment preview",
"action14" => "Send comment",
"action15" => "Send private password to ",
"action16" => "Private entry login from ",
"action17" => "Decode private entry",
"action18" => "Formmailer contact to ",
"action19" => "Send E-mail to ",
"autoLogout" => "Auto-Logout in 2 minutes !\nDon't forget to save your changes",
"restoreWarn" => "Your current entries will be deleted !\nDo you really want to proceed ?",
"option" => "Option",
"color" => "Color",
"enter" => "enter",
"more" => "more",
"search" => "Search",
"searchResult" => "Search result",
"banUser" => "Ban user",
"available" => "is available for download !",
"noCheck" => "Check for new versions failed !",
"versionCheck" => "Check for new versions on login",
"versionCheckInfo" => "If activated, the script will check for updates when you login.",
"email10" => "New E-mail notification",
"email11" => "E-mail accepted notification",
"email12" => "E-mail rejected notification",
"onlyFirstEmail" => "Notify only about first new E-mail",
"emailAccepted" => "Your E-mail was accepted and ",
"emailRejected" => "Your E-mail was rejected",
// Version X1.1
"requires" => "Requires",
"permissions" => "Permissions",
"useCache" => "Use Cache",
"useCacheInfo" => "Enable this feature to speed up the first page of your guestbook.",
"rejectAll" => "Reject all",
"acceptAll" => "Accept all",
"notGiven" => "not listed"