General Knowledge


This is Liger.


1) There was a false floor fitted in Adolf Hitler's mercedes to make him look taller when he stood up.

2) It would take 29 million years for a car travelling 100 miles per hour to reach the nearest star.

3) The world's widest road is the Monumental Axis in Brazil, where 160 cars can drive side by side.

4) Waiting time to get a permit for a car on Catalina Island, California is 8 to 10 years. Most residents drive Golf Cards.

5) The size of a Blue Whale's heart is that of a small car.

6) An average of 51 cars a year overshoot and drive into the canals of Amsterdam.

7) The first German car to be build solely outside of Germany is BMW Z3.


01.If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your rightside. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on yourleft side

02.If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when ahuman body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.

03. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

04. Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.

05. The Mercedes-Benz motto is `Das Beste oder Nichts' meaning `the best or nothing'..[/