Conspiracy Nxt............C
محمد وارث لائبریرین مئی 20، 2008 #164 حسن علوی نے کہا: Liberty >>___H___<< مزید نمائش کے لیے کلک کریں۔۔۔ Hasan Sahib, as per rules of the game, the next word should start with the second last alphabet of the given word, so T in this case. I give word with T Tranquility Next...T (again)
حسن علوی نے کہا: Liberty >>___H___<< مزید نمائش کے لیے کلک کریں۔۔۔ Hasan Sahib, as per rules of the game, the next word should start with the second last alphabet of the given word, so T in this case. I give word with T Tranquility Next...T (again)
شمشاد لائبریرین مئی 24، 2008 #174 Dr Sahib the rule is this that the word must be ended with the letter 'y'. Normally nxt... L
شمشاد لائبریرین مئی 24، 2008 #179 Dr. Sahib you are following the rule which is all the words must finish with Y and the first must begin with the letter before Y. Example: HAPPY - the next word must start with P and finish with Y. Next Exampe: popularity
Dr. Sahib you are following the rule which is all the words must finish with Y and the first must begin with the letter before Y. Example: HAPPY - the next word must start with P and finish with Y. Next Exampe: popularity